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Save the Buzz of Your Garden

When the cold and gloomy winter grey makes space for heaps of sunshine, we start a season of new beginnings. At MIRON Violetglass we asked ourselves, what can we do to contribute? To give back to nature and at the same time, bring nature closer to ourselves? Today we want to share a buzzing project with you, which has grown very dear to our hearts. The honeybees.

This April, our team will share the free outdoor space at our headquarter in Hoogeveen, with our buzzing little friends, the honeybees. We decided to take matters into our own hands, as over the past 15 years, the buzz of the bee has grown quiet. We’re losing billions of bees across the world. In the Netherlands alone, we have more than 360 bee species and more than half of them are on the verge of extinction. The usage of chemicals such as pesticides, diseases, parasites, climate change and intensive agricultural practices all play a role in the decline and disappearance of our bees. Sadly, we tend to forget to bee- aware of everything the bee does for us, despite its delicious superfood, the honey.

Did you know that more than one-third of our world’s food crops depend on the pollination of bees and other insects? Without the pollination by bees our ecosystem and biodiversity would suffer tremendous consequences. To give back to nature we decided to donate the free outdoor space we have at our headquarter in Hoogeveen. Our once empty green field will soon bloom with wildflowers as well as trees bearing fruits such as apples, pears, cherries and prunes. 

Our creation of a beautifully rich and vibrant wildlife garden is made possible by the initiative of ‘Bijenbaas’. This social enterprise made it their goal to contribute to sustainable development. Apart from beekeeping and offering pure natural honey, Bijenbaas also shares our values related to responsible production and consumption. MIRON Violetglass is more than happy to provide a new home for a total of five beehives who will come to enjoy our rich vegetation. Under the guidance of Bijenbaas, the bees will enjoy a life of ‘non-invasive beekeeping’. We’re more than excited to participate in workshops and learn how to collect the honey directly from the comb to fill our beautiful MIRON jar’s. Protected from the harmful influences of sunlight the delicious treat will become the star of our lunch breaks.

Spring is the season of new beginnings. For us, a new beginning means giving back to nature and to share our space with honeybees. How can you give back to nature? If you are around, come by and charge your energy levels in our garden. Let’s take a walk and share ideas and tell us about your buzzing projects! Let’s make a change together.

Stay tuned for more news about our initiatives for positive change.